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Let's Keep Moving in the Right Direction

Cedarburg School District Achievements During My Tenure

  • Ranked #2 K-12 School District in Wisconsin

  • All five Cedarburg Schools consistently rated "Significantly Exceeds Expectations" (the highest rating based on state school report cards)

  • 40-Year Record Low Tax Levy Rate (mill rate) from 2022-present

  • Cedarburg High School ACT Composite Score increased from 22.7 in 2021-22 to 24.1 in 2023-24

  • Forward Exam English Language Arts Proficiency rose from 68.9% in 2021-22 to 86.8% in 2023-24

  • Forward Exam Math Proficiency increased from 76.6% in 2021-22 to 86.8% in 2023-24

  • No Operational or Continuing Referendums during my tenure

  • Expanding Opportunities in athletics, fine arts, foreign language, and tech ed

  • Improved curriculum transparency with Canvas

My Contributions as a Board Member

  • School Board Treasurer, Curriculum Committee Chair, and Member of the Policy Committee

  • Led Curriculum Committee during an extensive pilot of phonics-based, "Science of Reading" curriculum for Kindergarten through 8th grade. Recommended and adopted Amplify CKLA (elementary) and HMH Into Literature (middle school).

  • Led Curriculum Committee through a thorough pilot of Social Studies curriculum for Kindergarten through 8th grade. Focused on selecting captivating, accurate, and unbiased history curriculum. Recommended and adopted McGraw Hill Impact (elementary) and McGraw Hill World History and US History (middle school).

  • Regular School Visits to observe classrooms, check in with principals, and tour schools.

  • Voted to Invest $500k annually into the long-term capital investment trust fund for future major capital expenses (e.g., new roofs, HVAC).

  • Approved Balanced Budgets with teacher compensation increases each year that were similar to or higher than other area districts.

  • Supported Family Engagement by enabling families to receive emails listing books their child checks out of the library to encourage home reading and discussions.

  • Modeled Respect for our nation’s flag by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance with proper etiquette and reverence and standing for the National Anthem at board meetings.

Continued Priorities

  • Advocate for High Standards: Ensure high and consistent “Cedarburg Standards” for academics and student behavior.

  • Strengthen Academic Excellence: Support rigorous, evidence-based math, reading, and science curriculum that promotes critical thinking and challenges students to reach their full potential.

  • Fiscal Responsibility: Keep taxes low while rewarding excellent teachers.

  • Student Privacy and Safety: Ensure a safe and secure learning environment for all students, and continue advocating for Data Privacy Agreements to protect student data.

  • Continued Support of Parents' Rights: Support the fundamental rights of parents, advocate for age-appropriate curriculum and content, and maintain classrooms free from political agendas.

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